Blooming flowers

Blooming flowers
Tulips in the garden

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Learning to have more patience...

Yesterday I learned that sometimes I’m not as patient as I would like to be.  Sometimes it’s hard when someone is losing their patience with me.  Maybe it was the time of the day or even the day itself.  I’m not sure.  I am however sure that I want to work on being more patient.  I do feel that I have a lot of patience with people and circumstances and that is gained with experience.  Plus being a 9-1-1 dispatcher for years helped me with some of that too.  Of course when you are a dispatcher when you get off a crazy phone call you can sometimes vent about it to your sidekick.  But being patient with people who you may not agree with is a must while on the phone with them.  I will definitely work on my patience with people…hope the next time I write about this…I am writing how patient I have become. 

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